This is because the license string is registered on a per-user basis. You will need to register it for each user on the machine.
If you have many users on each machine, this can be unpractical and time-consuming. That is why we have an alternative system using a license file that can be installed on each machine once, and that will allow all users on that machine to use the paid license.

(Special note for users of version 2.0 or later. The way the license string is stored has changed in version 2.0 and hence there is no need to register it for each user. Just make sure you register it one time on any user and the other users on the same machine will have the Platinum Edition as well.)

If you prefer using this method, you will have to contact support with a request to change the licensing system for your account. In that case, make sure you provide us with your license ID or the email used for the account so we can localize you in our system.

When you have got a confirmation that your account has been set up for the alternative licensing system, follow the steps below to start using it.

Note: You will need some computer and networking experience to follow this guide.

1. First step is to download the latest version of the CNC Simulator Pro from our download page.

2. Install the program on any computer you have available.

3. If you have lost your password you can reset it from here.

4. Now, go to the License Manager page and log in with your email (the one used for the account) and the password. You will see the licenses registered on your account. Look for a line that has the text “Floating License” and “CCP” in it. 

CCP means CNSimulator Paid

5. Click on the link to the right saying “Download cnclicense.lic”. Save it in a place where you will find it.
(If you lose the file, no problem. You can always log in again and re-download it.)

6. Open windows explorer and browse to the CNC Simulator Pro installation folder. For example “C:\Program Files\\CncSimulator Pro”. Drag or copy the cnclicense.lic file to this folder.

7. Test the installation by re-starting CNC Simulator Pro. When it is running, from the Help menu, click “About CNC Simulator Pro”. Then look at the License number, it should be the same number as the first one in your floating license line above.

8. Congratulations, you are up and running on your first PC! Now you need to copy the cnclicense.lic to all other installations of CNC Simulator. We suggest you put the file on a shared network folder for easy access from each computer. Another way is to put it on a USB stick memory and pass it around.

The important thing to remember is that the cnclicense.lic file must be present in every installation folder for you to be able to take advantage of your educational license.