From version 2.0, we have the ability to save lathe workpieces as prefabricated milling workpieces. This makes it possible to simulate moving a workpiece from the lathe to the mill.

Let's try an example.

Note: This tutorial is made in millimeters, so if you are using inches, please go to settings and change to millimeters for the exercise.

First, open the Turning Center machine.

Open the SimCam demo example: TurningMillingTutorial.

It is a very simple part with just one Roughing layer. Go to the Settings and put in 3 as the resolution of the workpiece. It is important to understand that the workpiece will be saved using this resolution and the buffer settings will not be used when a prefabricated workpiece is loaded. If you select a too low resolution for the workpiece, it will look rough in the simulator. If you on the other hand select a very high resolution, the simulator will be slow and you might run into memory issues.

Click OK and simulate the part.

Do the simulation at normal speed. Do not fast forward as you want a smooth surface.

Now it is time to save the workpiece.

When saving the workpiece, the simulator takes a snapshot of the 3D view for a thumbnail image in the workpiece browser. It is a good idea to zoom in on the workpiece now so that the picture looks nice. You can also hide the machine to isolate the workpiece on the image.

We have also rotated the workpiece for a good view.

Click on Save Workpiece in the Tools - Misc menu.

The system will remind you about lining up the shot. Answer No to the question as we are already set.

Now you will get the question if you want to save it as a Milling workpiece. Answer Yes.

Select a folder where you want to save your workpiece and give it a name. Click on Save.

Answer Yes to the question if you want to add the workpiece to the registry.

The system will add it at the end of your workpiece list and tell you the index.

Now, open the Milling Center machine.

Make sure the CNC editor is blank and put the cursor on the first line.

Open the Inventory Browser (F2) and go to the Mill Workpieces Tab.

Browse to the last workpiece.

Click on the Insert at cursor button.

The command to load the workpiece will be added to your program.

Now, add the following blocks to mill a hexagon.

ET3 M06
G00 X70 Y15 Z70
G01 X30 M3 F250 S2300
X10 Y50
X30 Y85
X90 Y50
X70 Y15
G00 Z120

Simulate the program.

That's all! You have successfully turned-milled your first part.